I am currently providing two types of coaching: Email coaching for individuals and hybrid coaching for learning and development professionals seeking to enhance their portfolios


Wonder how coaching by email works? Here’s what a recent client had to say:

“I used to think that communicating through emails was so much less efficient than talking over the phone. However, doing this email-coaching with you changed my mind. The longer time I spend on writing emails, the longer I can take to process my thoughts and feelings before connecting them to my situation. Reflecting while writing helps me think more deeply. I can't express how grateful I am to you for offering me this opportunity. Thanks a million for all the thought-provoking questions and assignments!”

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Email coaching can be very effective for those who want coaching as needed, on their schedule, and in different sized doses each time. It is great for people who sort out their feelings or needs in writing, or just for people who are comfortable emailing. It involves coaching exercises and assignments just as in-person, “live“ coaching does.

If you’ve never tried email coaching before, I offer a sliding scale so that you can try it out and pay based on the value you receive.

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Having a portfolio of your work is critical whether you are looking for new job, or need to promote yourself and your expertise in your current role. As an L&D professional with over 25 years experience, I can offer targeted feedback to those looking to build or enhance their L&D portfolios.